Ships Specifications
Biodata and specifications of Japanese vessels at Coron Bay (not complete)
Important note: As usual, warships are measured by their standard displacement (stdd.) in longtons, i.e. 1 tonne = 1,016 kgs. Merchant vessels are measured either by their gross tonnage which is not a weight measurement but a cubic factor (1 gt. = 2.83 cbm) or by their loading capacity in deadweight tons (tdw.). As American as well as Japanese military sources do not mention this discrepancy, it is, therefore, assumed that sizes of warships are given in displacement tons and tonnage of merchant ships are indicated by gross tons.
IJNS Akitsushima:

Type: Seaplane tender (AV); Jap. " Suijoki Bokan", type designator: As
Length over all = 118 m; Lpp = 113 m
Breadth = 15.7 m
Displacement = 4,724 ts stdd.
Propulsion = 4 x 2,000 shp geared Diesel engines, 2 shafts/2 screws/2 rudders
Max. speed = 19.0 knots
Range of operation = 4,000 naut. miles at 14.0 knots
Armament = 4 x 4.7"/50 cal. (12 cm) high angle guns in twin turrets; 10 x 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA guns in twin mountings
Yard = Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Kobe/Japan
Built = 1940/41; launched = 25 Apr 1941; commissioned = 29 Apr 1942
IJNS Irako:

Type: Provision Store Ship/Reefer (AF); Jap. "Kyuryo-kan", type designator: Tp
Length over all = 146.9 m; Lpp = 143.3 m
Breadth = 19.05 m
Draft = 5.94 m (unloaded); 6.05 m (at stdd.)
Displacement = 9,570 ts stdd. / 11,100 ts max.
Propulsion = 2 x 4,150 shp geared steam turbines, 6 Kampon-type waterpipe boilers,
oil + coal fired; 2 shafts/2 screws/1 rudder
Max. speed = 17.5 knots
Range of operation = 6,600 naut. miles at 14.0 knots
Armament = 2 x 4.7"/50 cal. (12 cm) high angle guns in single armored stands;
5 x 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA guns in single stands; numerous depth charges in poopdeck racks
Yard = Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Kobe/Japan
Built = May 1940 until Feb 1941; launched = 14 Feb 1941; commissioned = 5 Dec 1941
IJNS Irako was ordered as a Special Service Ship (Jap. "Tokumu-kan") under the third 1937 supplementary program. The ship got fitted with powerful reefer installations, various shops for confectionery and others and was commissioned as a "Large Fleet Reefer Supply Ship".
Kogyo Maru:

Type: Navy Auxiliary Supply Ship (AG), Jap. "Yuso-sen"
Length over all = 129.07 m; Lpp = 128.0 m
Breadth = 18.0 m
Draft = 8.05 m
Gross tonnage = 6,353 gt.
Propulsion = 2 x 1.950 shp geared steam turbines from Ishikawajima Shipbuilding + Engineering Co., Ltd.; 4 waterpipe boilers, oil fired; 1 shaft/1 screw/1 rudder
Max. speed = 15.8 knots
Range of operation = ?
Armament = 2 x 3 - 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA guns on top of bridge deck + 2 x 1 - 1.0" AA guns on circular stands on forecastle and poop deck
Yard = Uraga Dock Co., Ltd., Uraga
Built = 13 Feb 1927 for Okada Gumi Kisen Kaisha, Osaka (int`l call sign: JZEM)
Converted = 13 Oct 1931 and 13 May 1941
Olympia Maru:

Type: Army Auxiliary Supply Ship (AG), Jap. "Yuso-sen"
Length over all = 128.01 m
Breadth = 16.76 m
Draft = 7.80 m
Gross tonnage = 5,612 gt.
Propulsion = 1 x 2,705 shp direct Diesel engine; 1 shaft/1 screw/1 rudder
Max. speed = 13.65 knots
Range of operation = ?
Armament = 2 x 1 - 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA guns in special stands on forecastle + poop deck
Yard = Mitsubishi Heavy Industrial Co., Kobe (?)
Built = 2 Jan 1920 launched for Mitsubishi Kisen Kaisha
Converted = 2 Jun - 2 Aug 1930 from steam to Diesel engine by ? yard
Kyokuzan Maru:

Type: Army Auxiliary Supply Ship (AG), Jap. "Yuso-sen"
Length over all = 135.90 m; Lpp = 128.0 m
Breadth = 17.8 m
Draft = 7.80 m
Gross tonnage = 6,492 gt.
Propulsion = 1 x 3,882 shp geared turbine; 1 shaft/1 screw/1 rudder
Max. speed = 15.06 knots
Range of operation = ?
Armament = 3 x 1 - 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA guns in special athwardship stand on forecastle + circular stand on poop deck
Yard = ?
Built = 18 Mar ???
Int`l call sign = JLXP
Okikawa Maru:

Type: Navy Auxiliary Oiler (AO), Jap. "Juyu-sen"
Length over all = 160.51 m; Lpp = 153.0 m
Breadth = 20.0 m
Draft = 9.18 m
Gross tonnage = 10,043 gt.
Propulsion = 1 x 8,600 shp direct triple expansion steam engine; 1 shaft/1 screw/1 rudder
Max. speed = 18.5 knots (?), in other records: 13.5 knots
Range of operation = ?
Armament = 1 x 1 - 1.0" (2.5 cm) AA gun in special stand on poop deck
Yard = ?
Built = 1926 - 1930; launched = 18 Mar 1930; completed = 18 Oct 1931
Type = ITL-1 crude oil tanker
Aux. Subchaser / Aux. Patrol Boat:
Allied type designators: SCS / PG
Jap. "Kusen Tokumu-tei"; type designator: aCh
Jap. "Shokai Tokumu-tei"; type designator: aP
Details not yet available; will keep on investigating.